How Bruce T Does It is improving every week.
Here's our latest updates:
Being tired of of my blog address containing "", I decided to spring the ten bucks to have my own domain!!!!
Update your bookmarks and my contact info:
Our web address is now
My new email address, for the blog only, is
We also recently purchased an HD camera and put together our first video. It's uploading to YouTube right now. If you have an Xbox 360 with the Red Ring of Death, stay tuned........
Our YouTube channel is going live soon, stay tuned.
We are also moving the blog to it's own twitter account, stay tuned....
Thanks again everyone, we are getting some good hits. We have had just short of 300 hits in our first five weeks. to some that isn't much, but I am happy with that considering I'm only sharing content on Facebook and Twitter.
Sharing is caring, please share the posts you like and help increase traffic to the blog.
And as always, if you have something to add or need help with anything, send me a message!!! About anything, iPhones, computers, life, anything [within reason]. We don't have to be iPhones and technical everyday.
That that's How Bruce T Does It!!!
Just curious when are we to expect a tutorial on how to make a porno with that new hd cam of yours? I have been having problems with the lighting for the hd cams.