The emails poured in again, "where are you Bruce T?"
Well, BORED, ....."I blame it on my A.D.D......Sail...."
Up until the last couple weeks, there hasn't been a lot going on in Geekdom.
To avoid redundancy on my blog, I typically don't cover things that everyone else is blogging about in the tech biz other than Jailbreaks and things that I deem Nerdworthy and useful to my readers. To read what everyone else is buzzing about, be sure to follow @brucetdoesit on Twitter for all of the latest nerd news.
"What, no post about Steve Jobs?"
Well, there really isn't a whole lot I can add to that story. The legacy of world changing innovations that came from the Apple founder speak volumes on his behalf.
"Nothing about iPhone 4S????"
Nope, it's a supercharged iPhone 4. The end.
I'm going to hold off on the 4S until the device is jailbroken, untethered...I'm going to rock my 3GS a little longer until I hear some feedback once people have them in their hands.....not to mention----Jailbreak status for the device. People take delivery of the 4S today and we will surely have feedback all over Twitter....might even trend......
Moving past my boredom, ladies and gentlemen, Apple presents: iOS 5
As you all know, after a long wait, iOS 5 is upon us. Like many of you, I am looking forward to updating and Jailbreaking this monster and picking it's new features apart.......some of which come from the dev community. I am waiting for most of my favorite tweaks to be iOS 5 compatible.....And I am also trying to hold out for an untethered JB solution....
Here is the latest list of Jailbreak tweaks and apps available via Cydia with iOS 5 compatibility....
sooo....Jailbreakers, sit tight....!!! If you run stock firmware and don't jailbreak, then go ahead and update to iOS 5, there are some really awesome features.
Read more HERE AND HERE....
The current Jailbreak for iOS is TETHERED..meaning you need to re-Jailbreak everytime you lose power or reboot your phone. No worries, recent tweets from the devs I follow state an TETHERED solution is covered.... Keep this in mind: Current Jailbreak is for: iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G***not iPad 2 or iPhone 4S***
Here is the link to Redsn0w for Mac and also Windows
Here is the link to Sn0wbreeze for Windows.
Also, as of yet, and maybe forever, you can not DOWNGRADE from iOS 5 to earlier firmware, and iOS 5 does no longer has the option to save SHSH blobs.....
Stay tuned next week when I cover ALL OF THIS hoopla.
Thank you for reading, and don't thank me, pay it forward.